Days Calculator

Whether you want to count days between two dates or add & subtract days, you will find our days calculator perfect. It is an online calculator that helps you sum up, subtract, or find the difference of days between two dates. You can easily and quickly switch from one working mode to the other with a single click. Check it now to solve your problem of counting days!

Functions of Days Calculator

We have designed our advanced days calculator with multiple functions. You can use it for various tasks, which are mentioned below.

Adding Days

Like our date calculator, you can also use this calculator for adding days. It enables you to put the start date and then insert how many days you want to add. As a result, it will display the date on your screen after adding the specified days.

Subtracting Days

Want to subtract days from a specific date? You can use this online calculator for subtracting days from any date. Just put the required date using the calendar and the number of days you want to subtract to get the final answer.

Finding Days Between Dates

This unique day's online calculator can also work like a time calculator. You can use its third function to find the days between two specific dates.

How to Use the Days Calculator?

It is pretty simple even for a beginner to use this online calculator for days counting. But if you are looking for some assistance, you can follow these simple steps for using it.

Step 1. Browse our days calculator in your browser.

Step 2. Choose the function you want to perform by clicking the circle given beside it.

Step 3. Fill the required sections/boxes and click on the “Calculate” button.

This is how you can use this advanced calculator in your browser without complications.

Major Uses of This Free Online Calculator

Everyone can use this day's calculator for their concerned uses. However, some common uses are mentioned below:

  • You can use it for counting working days.
  • It enables you to check how many days are remaining for the coming public holiday.
  • You can find the total days between the two dates and plan your work easily.
  • This calculator can help you streamline your workflow by dividing the entire deadline into phases.
  • You can check your age in days using this calculator.

Why Choose this Calculator?

Our days calculator has multiple benefits making it perfect for every user. Here are some perks of choosing this online tool for days calculation.

Highly Accurate

We designed this calculator with advanced algorithms for precise and error-free calculations. It enables you to accurately count the days and add or subtract them from a specific date. You don't have to perform any manual calculations as it will do everything for you.

Easy Access & Usage

You don't need to download any additional resources to your device. It can be accessed directly from your browser which makes the process of using it simple. Moreover, you can use this calculator on any of your devices (Android, iPhone, Windows, or Mac) because of its cross-platform compatibility.

No Registration Needed

We have made this days calculator with free access for everyone. No one needs to register an account to use it or pay for any subscription. This feature makes it accessible for every user from students to professionals.


How many days are between the two dates?

To count the days between two dates, you have to insert the start and end dates in our days calculator.

How to count days from a leap year?

The best way to count days from the dates of a leap year is the use of our advanced days calculator. This online calculator will count the days without any mistakes.

Does a leap year affect the number of days in March?

No, the only month that is affected in the leap year is February. All other months will have the same days this year too.