Date Calculator

Check our date calculator that can measure the time between two dates, add, and subtract values. It can display the difference between two inserted dates in the form of years, months, weeks, and days.

You can use it for a variety of tasks in your daily life. Its customized interface enables you to switch from one function to the other in a single click.

Major Functions of Date Calculator

Unlike other free calculators for date-related calculations, it is designed with three basic operations. Here are its major functions with a descriptive overview to understand its working modes.

Date Addition Calculator

You can use this advanced calculator to add date values. It enables you to add specific years, months, weeks, or days to any date. You can find the exact date by adding the duration in the dedicated boxes and inserting the “Start Date”.

Date Subtraction Calculator

Like the date addition calculator, you can also use this calculator to subtract the duration from any specific date. It will minus the inserted duration from the added starting date and show you the exact date in the past.

Date Duration Calculator

Another advanced feature of this calculator is duration calculation. You can use it as a time calculator to find how much time is between two specific dates. It has two sections to insert the “Start Date” and “End Date” in the dedicated boxes.

Real-Life Examples of Date Online Calculator

Normally, this date calculator seems to have hundreds of uses in daily life. However, some of those are prominent over others and considered useful for users. For example, its duration calculation can help you use it as a week calculator and perform specific tasks.

Despite this, it has some real-life uses that are mentioned below.

  • You can use this online calculator to find your age in years, months, weeks, and days.
  • It can help you calculate the cumulative salaries of employers.
  • This advanced online tool can help you check the remaining time for upcoming holidays.
  • You can use it to understand the deadlines of your projects.

These are some common real examples of this free date-calculating tool. You can also use it for a variety of tasks as per your field and tasks.

Why Use this Online Calculator for Date Calculation?

With so many online calculators available, you might wonder why this particular tool is the best choice. Here's why it's the preferred choice for date calculations:

Multiple Functions

Unlike other calculators, it has multiple functions in the same window. You don't need to switch to another tool or window to perform related tasks. It offers an all-in-one solution to add, subtract, and find the duration between two dates.

Free Usage

No need to get a premium subscription to use a date calculator online. You can browse this calculator for free without any limitations. It offers seamless and quick access without any restrictions over usage.

Accuracy in Calculation

Unlike human calculation, it doesn't make any mistakes in the date duration calculation, addition, or subtraction. This calculator is based on an advanced algorithm to perform the concerned tasks with accuracy. You can quickly get your answers without any mistakes or errors.


Does this calculator count 28 days or 29 days for February?

Our date calculator is based on the Gregorian Calendar. It counts the 28 days for the month of February except leap years in which it will count 29 days for this month.

How is this free date calculator better than a calendar?

Using a calendar, you can only check the dates. However, this unique online calculator can help you add, subtract, and find the duration between two dates too.

Can I measure my age using this online date calculator?

Yes, you can check your age in years, months, weeks, and days using this advanced date calculator.